Who We Are
Premier Family Physicians is a team of more than 40 physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners – and growing! We have long-time physicians who have been serving Austin for many years as well as new physicians just joining our community. Our physicians serve patients in coordinated teams of a physician and physician assistant or nurse practitioner, ensuring patients always have prompt access to a health care professional with whom they have a relationship and rapport. Our health care professionals and staff are committed to helping patients and their families clarify and coordinate their overall health care plan, to assess their health care choices, and to provide a home for their medical care.
Care Team Model
Premier Family Physicians serve patients in coordinated care teams of a physician and physician assistant and/or nurse practitioner. While our physicians have always practiced in this way, our practice model is only recently gaining mainstream recognition for its innovation and ability to increase patients’ access to and collaboration with their health care providers. Our physician assistants and nurse practitioners work closely with our physicians, developing their unique areas of specialization on which our physicians and patients rely. They are an integral part of our practice model and over time develop their own patient base – always in collaboration with and under the supervision of the patients’ primary care physician.